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New normality in TOURISM

Rules and recommendations for safe tourism

Given the epidemiological situation that has been experienced for several months in most of the world, caused by the outbreak of a new coronavirus Covid-19, various activities have been reduced or completely stopped, including Tourism. However, the Mexican government has decided to gradually start the economic recovery in this important sector. Due to this, as of August 10, 2020 at Azul Baja we have begun to resume our activities, following in all cases the security protocols pertinent.

By booking with us you will be sure that all tourist activities will be carried out following the security measures recommended by the government of our country and all the personnel who attend you will be duly trained for the safe return to their activities. Our priority is yours and our staff safety. 

Below you will find various recommendations that summarize the most important aspects to consider when traveling; however, it is important to stay informed about the specific regulations in your location and contact us if you have any questions. 

As a plan to resume activities, the Mexican government implemented a model called“The new normal”, which graphically explains with a traffic light the time or stage in which each sector will resume activities. On the part of the tourist activity, the Secretary of Tourism in coordination with the Secretary of Health, recently established the action measures. These measures apply to all companies in the sector regardless of business; this includes: air transportation, hotels, sun and beach destinations, tour guides, museums, ground transportation, restaurants, cruises, water parks, among others.

Therefore, from the moment you leave your house until you return, we recommend you to follow these rules:

  • Maintain healthy distance as much as possible (stay at least 1.5 meters away from other people)

  • Wear face mask and additional protection (such as face shields or goggles if possible)

  • Wash your hands constantly (for at least 30 seconds) and/or use antibacterial gel 

  • Never touch your face without washing or disinfecting your hands first

  • When coughing or sneezing, use a tissue and throw it away immediately or use the inside corner of your arm

  • If you have any of the following symptoms: fever, dry cough, tiredness, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of smell or taste, difficulty breathing, skin rashes, loss of color in extremities; you must inform the nearest security personnel, interrupt any tourist activity and consult more information in the official phones

And also, remember to check that all the places you visit during your trip follow these rules carefully: 

  • Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and objects of common use

  • Use of personal protective equipment

  • Establishment of filters for the detection of possible symptoms

  • Support with information or disinfection material

  • Training of company personnel

If the aforementioned measures are not followed somewhere, do not hesitate to demand them, since your safety and that of yours may be at risk. ​

We know these rules and recommendations can be a bit uncomfortable, but remember that they are part of the national regulations and that taking care of yourself takes care of us all. Once you have become familiar with and accustomed to the "new normality in tourism" we guarantee that you will be able to live a beautiful experience, relax, know and have a good time.

Ready to enjoy your vacation with us?

Book your activities and enjoy!

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